Ram may be nixing long-range EV pickup truck: report

Matthew Guy is a lifelong gearhead who writes automotive content for Canadian and American outlets. He is alternately described as a freelance author, podcast host, road test magnate, and legend in his own mind. As a member of AJAC, he enjoys sharing his excitement about cars and is very pleased to contribute at Driving. EXPERIENCE Matthew’s goal is to put readers in the driver’s seat for a unique and entertaining look at the automotive industry – whether penning vehicle reviews with a creative bent, travelling to manufacturer events for first drives of new models, or speaking with industry stakeholders to gain extra insight for an article During the past decade, he has enjoyed creating unique and creative long-distance adventure drives, sating his (and the reader’s) appetite for driving accomplishments like traversing the spartan wilds of Labrador. Timed challenges in speedy machines also spin his crank. For a spell, he was also behind the microphone for this site’s Truck Guy podcast, interviewing guests ranging from knowledgeable local technicians to world-famous television stars. Find out what it’s like to jump behind the wheel of a pickup truck and successfully tackle gnarly off-road courses. Ride along whilst tackling twisty roads along the Pacific Coast in a droptop convertible. Bundle up as he explores the frigid expanses of Canada from his home on the East Coast to venturing north of the Arctic Circle. EDUCATION Memorial University of Newfoundland, School of Business B.Comm (Hons.) AWARDS

2021 Castrol-Wakefield Automotive Writing Award, runner-up

Runner Up – 2023 AJAC Adventure and Travel Journalism Award presented by Genesis Canada

Winner – 2023 AJAC Road Safety Journalism Award presented by Volvo Canada


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Email: matthewkguy@hotmail.com

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/matthewkguy

Instagram: @DudeDrivesCars

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